St. George were also victorious in ancient Russia, one of the respected and loved saints. Martyrdom of St. George are the saints of this type formed in the early Christians by the Roman regime persecuted Christian stage presence. Christians suffering seen to redeem the sins of this life, to pass through the kingdom. Martyrdom in the persecution of Christians who worship by the Church canonized them.
St. George lived in the third century AD, is also being put to death for their beliefs. Like many martyrs, like generations of believers due reverence and produced some legends about him and his memorial, in these legends gradually formed on the basis of his biography. The first appeared in the 5th century St. George biography. But then after a lot of literary process, making it more consistent with each other, the details of these legends.In Russia is mainly based on the formation of the 11th century St. George biography version. According to this biography, St. George is a young nobleman, was born in Cappadocia in Asia Minor, was part of the Roman Empire. He made a Christian, came to power in once again stepped up when the persecution of Christians, St. George gave up his title of nobility and property, to get to the emperor to defend their faith. St. George used his power to make the Queen Alexandra faith converted to Christianity, but St. Joe Han emperor to jail.St. George suffered torture, but he has his own strong will to overcome these physical torture, which insists on the belief in God.