
Orthodox holiday and icons

Orthodox icon types, there is a class devoted to the great Orthodox holiday-themed icons. Orthodox icons in the walls, there is a row of icons is dedicated to the theme of the program to do, called "program ratings."

Orthodox festival vast amount of these festivals to commemorate Jesus Christ, the Virgin and the saints. According to statistics, including the number of saint's day included, the number of Orthodox festival has exceeded the number of days in a year, that is to say every day of the year with one or several programs. Of course, the importance of these programs and the grand degree programs sample sizes.

The main festivals include Orthodox Easter and XII festival. This section XII eight commemorates Jesus Christ: Christmas, the main input Church Festival (Festival met the Lord Jesus Christ), God Epiphany (Baptism of Jesus), the main section into the holy city, the main variable capacitance section, cross section, and a section of the main Assumption of the Holy Trinity. The other four are in honor of the Virgin: the Virgin Birth Day, into the Church of Our Lady Day, Feast of the Assumption.

The festival is divided into no fixed date and fixed date. Easter is not a fixed date, and another section XII of three is not fixed a date, and the main gold Al-Quds Day, the main Assumption and Holy Trinity Day, the date from which to calculate the date of Easter. The other nine are fixed dates.

When the Easter celebration of Christ's resurrection, the resurrection of Christ as we happen to us things. Because each of us to have been a gift of new life, so that we get the capacity to receive new life. This presents a fundamental change in the attitude of our time together, including attitudes to death.

The festival of moral thought that, as the Son of God for us and willing born on the same ground, people for the same purpose, should also be born again, or, according to the Apostle's words; "ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man's, This understanding of privacy and confusion gradually deteriorated.

