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Byzantine Art-Byzantine painting |
Byzantine art combines the qualities of abstract decorative naturalism of classical art and oriental art.
Artistic styles and techniques of Byzantine art (Byzantine Art), about 5 to mid-15th century, developed in the Eastern Roman Empire. It becomes a link with the Greek and Roman classical art in Western Europe later art. Byzantine art combines the qualities of abstract decorative naturalism of classical art and oriental art. Not very clear dividing line between the early Christian art and Byzantine art. Beginning early period, became the capital of Constantinople from 330 to around 500 in the beginning, was called before the Byzantine period. In Justinian (527--65 years) reign ushered in the first golden age of Byzantine art. In the 8th century and the 9th century period of time, a debate is called the iconoclastic dispute against icon worship, many paintings and sculptures were destroyed. With the end of 843 years of the anti-idol doctrine of holy figures depict once again be encouraged. Second golden age of Byzantine art, from the 9th century until the 12th century, the imperial palace to introduce realism art, the mysticism introduce religious art. Byzantine art final glory in the mid 13-15 century palaiologos reign; it is called the Byzantine revival. In the later stages of religious art expresses more emotion and naturalism. Byzantine art medieval Byzantine Empire (centered in Constantinople) and affected all areas of architecture, painting and other visual arts. Painting and architecture have characterized the earliest form of Byzantine art in the 6th century, this style until the Turks captured Constantinople in 1453, when the collapse of the empire eventually cease. After the demise of the Eastern Roman Empire the Turks, Byzantine art continued popularity in Greece, the Balkans and Russia. Mosaics and frescoes substituted sculpture, decorative arts as the main church. Byzantine art from the fourth century to the fifteenth century Constantinople (ie the ancient Greek city of Byzantium) as the center of the Byzantine Empire (the East Roman Empire) and the Christian Church combination of official art. (5 - 15 century AD) Byzantine art features: ① Christian Art and courtly art of combining the pursuit of Wei Yan Fuli effect. ② Byzantine Empire not only inherited the ancient Greek and Roman classical cultural tradition, but also by the oriental culture. ③ in mosaics, frescoes, icon painting, art techniques: 1. Using abstract form language, inhibition of space and depth of performance, 2 uses patterned symmetrical composition, are keen to use lines and colors. Byzantine art achievements mainly in architecture, painting, sculpture (1) architecture: Byzantine architecture, the main successor Romanesque church architecture combines masonry arch technology and decoration techniques, the grand style of classical Greek and Roman architecture pillar. In the interior was colorful, rich and earthy appearance in stark contrast to the main artistic features. The first golden age of Justinian Byzantine art, early church buildings mainly follows the Pantheon-like circular dome, typical of a Byzantine church Hagia Sophia, a combination of two design shape, namely Basilica and Centralized, it has the East's most significant feature church dome, which is the subject of the entire building. Also with sail arch technology to construct large, high dome, beyond the Pantheon in Rome. Basilica emphasizes the horizontal and vertical axis of the basilica, its outstanding feeling of depth, while the dome centralized concentric stressed, in order to solve the contradiction it together, using a Greek cross, Venice's San Marco 2 Such a cruciform church is the church. (2) painting: mosaics, icon painting, mural 1. mosaics occupies a special importance in the Byzantine art. Byzantine church within a large number of glass mosaics caused a magnificent visual experience, such as the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna mosaics most famous, people appreciate the Justinian era palace art new style and jeweled effect. Emperor Justinian and their sacrifice 后西奥多拉 figure, take the plane of the painting, characters are and past Greek and Roman art of different shapes, such as: the proportion of elongated figures, emperor great tall and straight, slender fibers Queen the United States, large head, small eyes, eliminating small movements and expressions, robe hard and plate, overlapping characters went wrong, which for Greek and Roman plastic art is unthinkable, but big eyes look unpredictable, as if from a time of stagnation, space solidified eternal world, people from uncertain moment moment to get out, get peace of soul, without manufacturing three-dimensional plane of the painting, the visual illusion of space, and thus the liberation of color, composition, dotted line It uses. 2. St. Catherine's Monastery wall mosaics depicting the life of Christ, "Christ varactor" fully demonstrated the Byzantine painting emphasize planarity, composition and flexible features, although the figure does not meet the natural state action figures norm, but the entire composition balanced stable body structure looming. Although depicted the incident was not a narrative plot. Icon is to communicate with the earthly heaven bridge, this idea has led to strict stylized Byzantine painting, drawing content and even the church in different locations, there are strict criteria, it can be seen in Daphni Monastery. In Daphni Monastery church mosaics, he is no longer with the expression aloof figure painting, but the pursuit of emotional expression, the dome of Christ eyebrows stare. "The cross" is a sad affair reveals mild, truly expresses the pain of the crucifixion of Christ, the Virgin Mary, John's weeping, Style: Byzantine still using conventional pure gold background, pay attention to the elegant lines of the screen. 3. The earliest icons like Madonna and Child painting, like St. Catherine's Monastery of Christ. This icon painting is to show the religious spirit, giving the gods, super-powerful. Christians became the object of worship. Constantinople "Virgin of Vladimir" embodies a new human color, so that people appreciate the warmth and sadness Our Lady will eventually lose his son, painting Madonna and Child spread like Russia, Eastern Europe influenced iconography production. 4. As Constantinople Crusaders looted, Byzantine rebuild the empire's decline can not afford costly mosaics, frescoes again favored characteristics: large-scale murals, and there are many characters with narrative painting stressed concrete People and the entire composition of momentum, such as Cary Kemi monastery of "Christ in limbo." Byzantine painting approachable lack a sense of the Christian spirit has always been the spirit of Byzantine art.
Orthodox "iconography" is unique in the art of Christian worship patterns
Orthodox "iconography" is unique in the art of Christian worship patterns, and Catholic and Protestant religious art differently. It is called "visual theology." Russian medieval icon painting is synonymous with the art of the Orthodox Church norms According to tradition the church Byzantine art, in an ideal form of figures and objects appearance or to limit the icon painter painting forms and themes, and a living icon painter Convention required strict compliance with the purpose of creating.
"Iconography" emphasize the other side depicts a non-earthly world, and this side of the world is relatively secular. So whether it is painting or the artist themselves to practice requirements are strict control, because it is "like the soul", not with screen similar to the real world. as long as prayers saw his familiar objects and portraits of worship, this set of modeling, the dogma of the supernatural will come to the fore in his mind as to generate strong religious feeling in his heart. So ultra nature art standardization helps to develop a certain prayer worship habits.
Early Russian icon painter painting together under the supervision of the Greek artist, in text or illustration of the way to record the characteristics of each saint and painting, the notes by way of mentoring taught from generation to generation, and with Greece priests have brought along when entering the Russian painter indoctrinated mission, to show the magnificent Byzantine icons and composition perfect again to Justinian era statue of St. Sofia church benchmark.
However, with the decline of Byzantium, stopped on the "spiritual inspiration" and the technical guidance of Russia, appeared in Russia each draw icon nature of the convent or icon studio in the transcript as textbooks or reference books, it is well-known on the icon extension rubbing down and facsimile diagram, guides artist (monk) follows the old mode, simply scripted without tiring way to go around the church and convent observe each artist hand are equipped with a number of icon painting from wood or rubbing down the wall pictures, these extension illustrated diagram like saints calendar, in order to allow convenient copying process, there must be next to the text commentary.
"Iconography" emphasize the other side depicts a non-earthly world, and this side of the world is relatively secular. So whether it is painting or the artist themselves to practice requirements are strict control, because it is "like the soul", not with screen similar to the real world. as long as prayers saw his familiar objects and portraits of worship, this set of modeling, the dogma of the supernatural will come to the fore in his mind as to generate strong religious feeling in his heart. So ultra nature art standardization helps to develop a certain prayer worship habits.
Early Russian icon painter painting together under the supervision of the Greek artist, in text or illustration of the way to record the characteristics of each saint and painting, the notes by way of mentoring taught from generation to generation, and with Greece priests have brought along when entering the Russian painter indoctrinated mission, to show the magnificent Byzantine icons and composition perfect again to Justinian era statue of St. Sofia church benchmark.
However, with the decline of Byzantium, stopped on the "spiritual inspiration" and the technical guidance of Russia, appeared in Russia each draw icon nature of the convent or icon studio in the transcript as textbooks or reference books, it is well-known on the icon extension rubbing down and facsimile diagram, guides artist (monk) follows the old mode, simply scripted without tiring way to go around the church and convent observe each artist hand are equipped with a number of icon painting from wood or rubbing down the wall pictures, these extension illustrated diagram like saints calendar, in order to allow convenient copying process, there must be next to the text commentary.
Religious Icons of controversy
Person of the dispute was not about Christ as the 681 and cease Ecumenical Council, but in the eighth, ninth century expanded in different forms. At this time the focus on the icon of worship, including observance of controversy Christ, the Virgin and other saints of the image caused by the church or private home. Iconoclast depicting God or any religious art human image was very disgusted to require removal of these icons; on the contrary, those who worship the icon strongly guard the status icons in church life. Point of conflict the two parties not only the church art of cognitive differences, but also a deeper problem: the humanity of Christ, the church's views on the matter, and the real meaning of salvation.
Against the icon of worshipers may be affected by Judaism and Islam; It is worth noting that, on the outbreak of iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire, the first movement of the previous three years, Islam Ye Jide successor (Caliph Yezid) ordered all territory under its icon a rate of removal. However, not only from the outside against the worship icons influence the Church has been on the existence of "Protestant" view, that would appear to be the idol of all the icons. So iconoclasm when emperors, the Church will have many supporters.
Iconoclasm campaign Leo the Great's reign can be divided into two periods. The first period began in 1780 under Leo III called iconoclasm, until Huang Hou Yilei (Irene) presidency to stop the persecution. Seventh, and last Ecumenical Council (787) upholds the icon worship, supported the position of the first Council of Nicea, the meeting declared: As the cross and the Gospel, and other real symbol icon, should be in the Church Save veneration. The second period began in 815, Leo V, iconoclasm, until 843 years emperor (Theodora) fully restored icon of worship, from fully accredited status icons, called "Orthodoxy victory ", while Orthodox first Sunday of Lent (also known as the" triumph Sunday is the letter ") to commemorate this event. The primary supporter of the first period for the icon of St. John of Damascus (St John of Damascus, 675-749), the second period was the bishop of San Di Tudor (St Theodore, 759-826). St. John's because they live in Muslim areas, away from the control of the Byzantine Empire, to be freer to develop their ideal; after Islam also cover the development of several unexpected protect Orthodox.
One of the major characteristics of Orthodox icons lies in a unique position. Within today's Orthodox Church is full of a lot of icons, including separate church sanctuary and nave icon screen, icon above everywhere, every corner of the church there are icons on the altar, and wall murals icons or mosaic. Laymen will bow down and kiss the icons and light candles in front of icons, the Fathers will burn incense to worship before the icon, the icon will be exalted in the other traveling team. These postures and moves in the end mean? What icons represent? Why St. John, who will be very important icon?
We first clarify objections to the proposed icon worshipers "Idol said," followed by the positive value of icons as described doctrine taught, and finally add the importance of its doctrinal.
(1) Idol question: kiss or bow icons do not represent idolatry. Icons are not idols, but a symbol; the veneration of icons of material objects are not made, but the depicted individuals. This is in opposition to the dispute before the icon that is the repair Presley, Andy (Leontius of Neapolis, died about 650 years) to clarify: "We do not worship wood, but the crucified Christ ... When two pieces of wood on the cross when combined together, I'll sacrifice of the cross represents Christ worship the image, if two separate wood, I will put aside it, burn "as icon is only a symbol of Orthodox believers are not to be worshiped, but to be veneration.; St. John's had to be detailed for the entity to distinguish symbolic veneration and worship of God.
(2) Icons as part of the teachings of the faith: the icon is one of the church to teach religion tool, Li Andi had said: "As open book icon, let us think of God." Those who lack knowledge or no time to study theology just go to church, they will learn from the wall presented the Christian faith. Support icon said that if the Gentiles want you to let him see your letter, and took him to the icon in front of the church now. Thus, form part of the sacred tradition of icons.
(3) the doctrine icon : Here we come to the main argument against icon worshipers - even if not idols, even with their teaching value, icons or even necessary? Support icon contend, icons can guard the doctrine of the incarnation. And against those who agree icons eternal qualities of God can not be manifested - "No one has ever seen God" (John / if a 18), but supports those who believe the Incarnation icon produces figurative school of religious art, God Because changes to people's styles, so be portrayed. St. John's to show that the image can show tangible entity has the body of God:
"Before God no definite shape, so completely unable to describe. But because God became flesh, and dwelt among men, so I can create the image of God to be seen. I do not worship matter but I worship the creation substances who - it came into the world because of me, humbled the body, so that I can be saved and therefore I will not stop worshiping the form that I saved. ".
Against the icon of worshipers because of not fully take into account the significance of the Word made flesh, and refute these represent God's image. They are like many Protestants, fall into the so-called dualism, that the matter would bring tarnished believe spiritual things must be non-material, and therefore rejects any substantial form. However, this violates the spirit of the Incarnation, because of ignoring the humanity of Christ and the body, forget our flesh is like the soul needs to be redeemed and updated. Therefore, early debate against icon worship Christ Person on issues closely linked; this is not only a debate on religious art, but about the incarnation, and salvation issues and on the entire visible universe.
Because God is visible and the body, so that the material can be saved. St. John says: "The Word became flesh so that the flesh holiness"; God sanctified matter, a "spiritual product", if the Holy Spirit became flesh medium, the wood and watercolors can also. Orthodox icons and their doctrine in fact believe in God material and spiritual creatures could potentially have been redeemed, glorified beliefs are closely related. Zenuo Wu (Nicolas Zernov, 1898-I980) The following talk about the icons of the content on the Russians, it is appropriate to all Orthodox Christians:
[Religious Icons] for the Russian people, not only painting, but the person's spiritual power through beauty and art to redeem the dynamic behavior of creatures. Colors and lines [icon] on not to mimic nature; artists who mainly want to show human beings, animals and plants, and the whole universe from the current degraded state to be saved over, restored to its rightful "image." [Icon] is subject to the glory of creation is redeemed from the fall to ensure that ... it is not only the perfect artistic reflection trance country, but also the material back to its original beauty and harmony of concrete examples, can be used as an intermediary for the Holy Spirit. Icon is part of the transformation process of the universe.
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Handmade Metal orthodox Religous silver icon of Jesus Christ |
Most of the early Christian art - Art graves
Icon is a combination of three different cultures: the Greek culture, Roman culture and Christian culture. Byzantine art has gone beyond its artistic empire borders, it is especially the development of Slavic art has a profound impact.
Christian art first appeared in the catacombs, before the 6th century, the underground cemetery widely distributed this stone. Although the catacombs not belong to any particular religious group, and that the location is also around in all over, but it usually is associated with the Christian faith. The largest group in the catacombs of Rome were found. From the beginning of the 3rd century AD, Roman Christians to bury their dead outside the city walls underground cemetery, the cemetery by the different sizes of these corridors and cubicles. Some tombs decorated with drawing or engraving, marking the identity of the tomb inscriptions, while others are based on the tomb of the image "Old Testament" scene. The tombs of the image is very simple, consisting of only a few strokes rough lines and a limited set of colors. Topics include Christ holding a lamb, to escape from the burning stove in God's praise of the three young men (Daniel Doyle 3: 16-30), pull the turn if the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Eucharist, etc. . Tolerated in Christian times, the tomb decoration has become more sophisticated. In the 6th century AD, the Roman underground vault is no longer used to bury the dead.
Tomb art is a blind nature of the art teaching. Christian was the creation of a new symbol, along with the already existing pagan symbol, used together. For example, the ship is a symbol of the church, but also a symbol of prosperity. Peacocks, pigeons, palm tree is a symbol of heaven. Magi to worship the image of Christ symbolizes the pagan converts to Christ; Christ makes cake symbolizes the number of images to share their holy body of believers; wine symbolizes God's mysteries to be baptized. Because of the fear of persecution, Christians will use symbolic language, that is, a secret code that will not be publicly expressed ideological believers to draw out: neophyte can gradually learn the mysterious symbol of the tomb of the image. In terms of gathering where Christians have created a way to make them think of God's kingdom visual environment, in this environment, helping them to pray, while the grave is done a witness。
Christian art first appeared in the catacombs, before the 6th century, the underground cemetery widely distributed this stone. Although the catacombs not belong to any particular religious group, and that the location is also around in all over, but it usually is associated with the Christian faith. The largest group in the catacombs of Rome were found. From the beginning of the 3rd century AD, Roman Christians to bury their dead outside the city walls underground cemetery, the cemetery by the different sizes of these corridors and cubicles. Some tombs decorated with drawing or engraving, marking the identity of the tomb inscriptions, while others are based on the tomb of the image "Old Testament" scene. The tombs of the image is very simple, consisting of only a few strokes rough lines and a limited set of colors. Topics include Christ holding a lamb, to escape from the burning stove in God's praise of the three young men (Daniel Doyle 3: 16-30), pull the turn if the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Eucharist, etc. . Tolerated in Christian times, the tomb decoration has become more sophisticated. In the 6th century AD, the Roman underground vault is no longer used to bury the dead.
Tomb art is a blind nature of the art teaching. Christian was the creation of a new symbol, along with the already existing pagan symbol, used together. For example, the ship is a symbol of the church, but also a symbol of prosperity. Peacocks, pigeons, palm tree is a symbol of heaven. Magi to worship the image of Christ symbolizes the pagan converts to Christ; Christ makes cake symbolizes the number of images to share their holy body of believers; wine symbolizes God's mysteries to be baptized. Because of the fear of persecution, Christians will use symbolic language, that is, a secret code that will not be publicly expressed ideological believers to draw out: neophyte can gradually learn the mysterious symbol of the tomb of the image. In terms of gathering where Christians have created a way to make them think of God's kingdom visual environment, in this environment, helping them to pray, while the grave is done a witness。
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The early Christian catacombs of Rome. |
Retro style - Portrait of Byzantine icon painting
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Silver Orthodox religious icons of the last supper |
How beautiful painter Nikos. Los Cartier was born in Crete in Kansas, he was 20 years old when he became a famous painter and Cretan icon painting association. He remains in the iconography of Crete during the down two: "Our Lady of the Assumption, like" and "Luke painting Madonna." These two patterned on Byzantine icon painting of the Virgin and the apostles portrait, using a typical Cretan School of painting, but also a combination of local Italian painting. In 1567, he went to Venice, Tiqiyanuo. Dimensional Leo's studio work and praised by the painter.During this period he took Italian painting methods used revivalist icon painting, created the "Magi worship" and "The Last Supper" and other works. In 1575 he came to Spain from Rome, no longer painted icons, and a local European retro style outstanding painter, but his painting mysticism benefited from the Byzantine icon language symbolism.
Mikhail big Maersk is one of North Crete most famous and accomplished painter 16th century. His icons have retained about 80. He lived in many places: Crete, Venice, Corfe islands, Pa Temo Island, Athos, Saint Catherine monastery and the like. His "Last Supper" in hydrogen Byzantine icon painting portrait painting and revivalist themes and Leonardo da Vinci paintings combine. In front of all the disciples of various shapes, similar to the revivalist's paintings. Sitting behind the Byzantine icon of Christ is "Christ Almighty," the image of a gold background, head of a halo.Who flew with two angels holding the cross, it is a symbol of Christ's crucifixion. Items on the table clearly shows, is bread and wine, the performance said, "Gospel" on the establishment of Christ's first communion scene. The performance of sacred and secular artists of both worlds with two different opposition painting.
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Portrait of Byzantine icon painting of the Last Supper |
Iconoclasm period of Byzantine icons
Byzantine art after a 6-7 century AD prosperity, from the beginning of the 8th century to the mid-ninth century AD, caught in a long dark age, which is dominated by the country at the time of religious and cultural life iconoclasm caused. During this period, the entire religious art suffered a disaster. Previous era of religious themes of art chant mercilessly destroyed. Frescoes and mosaics are shovel down from the wall, iconostasis were burned. Jun Fort of Our Lady of Vladimir hum all ancient iconostasis were destroyed, the chapel walls were painted new murals.
In the letter of Saint Stephen, a biography about this event wrote: "Christ, the Virgin and Saints icons chant burning and destruction: on the contrary, trees, birds, animals, and as such ferocious gallop hunting scene , theater and the racecourse and other images, were carefully preserved ... and your church into a garden aviary
It is said that the Byzantine emperor Shi Jun but had ordered to replace the church wall murals depicting the Great Society into six portraits of Auriga their loved ones
But Christian art in this dark period has not completely disappeared, but the continued existence of the regime and the state power away from the religious places. In the monastery's remote areas (such as in Cappadocia or the Crimea), the faithful still as before in front of icons in prayer, for this is also another secret of painting icons.
Orthodox icon is a different from other art forms of religious art. Russian Orthodox theologian Bulgakov said: "Power Dekor is a special kind of church tradition, but he was not verbal and writing, but in color and image reflect Therefore, Dekor themes and methods. to follow the tradition of the Church, which determines its content, meaning and form. icons of religious works of art, rather than "art for art" works
Since the icon is not self-sufficient sense of art, but belong to the Orthodox Church theology and worship, therefore, the characteristics associated with it, the basic idea is not as an independent art form of icon art history book.
This book is a symbol of Orthodox icons in this particular form of religious history occur, theological sense, the performance of the method, the basic type and narration in major countries such as the historical development of the overall structure into three parts, the first part is about the early Christian art form, the doctrine of the Orthodox iconostasis and icons surplus establish general methods and characteristics: the second part is the age of the various types of icons are described: the third part is the Byzantine, Greek and Russian icons of art history development a brief description.
In the letter of Saint Stephen, a biography about this event wrote: "Christ, the Virgin and Saints icons chant burning and destruction: on the contrary, trees, birds, animals, and as such ferocious gallop hunting scene , theater and the racecourse and other images, were carefully preserved ... and your church into a garden aviary
It is said that the Byzantine emperor Shi Jun but had ordered to replace the church wall murals depicting the Great Society into six portraits of Auriga their loved ones
But Christian art in this dark period has not completely disappeared, but the continued existence of the regime and the state power away from the religious places. In the monastery's remote areas (such as in Cappadocia or the Crimea), the faithful still as before in front of icons in prayer, for this is also another secret of painting icons.
Orthodox icon is a different from other art forms of religious art. Russian Orthodox theologian Bulgakov said: "Power Dekor is a special kind of church tradition, but he was not verbal and writing, but in color and image reflect Therefore, Dekor themes and methods. to follow the tradition of the Church, which determines its content, meaning and form. icons of religious works of art, rather than "art for art" works
Since the icon is not self-sufficient sense of art, but belong to the Orthodox Church theology and worship, therefore, the characteristics associated with it, the basic idea is not as an independent art form of icon art history book.
This book is a symbol of Orthodox icons in this particular form of religious history occur, theological sense, the performance of the method, the basic type and narration in major countries such as the historical development of the overall structure into three parts, the first part is about the early Christian art form, the doctrine of the Orthodox iconostasis and icons surplus establish general methods and characteristics: the second part is the age of the various types of icons are described: the third part is the Byzantine, Greek and Russian icons of art history development a brief description.
We have the power of the Savior like - Jesus Christ
"There is the power of the Savior," that with the power and glory of the image of Jesus Christ comes again, with the "Last Judgment" is directly related to the theme, because Christ is "judge the living and the dead", his trial was fair , who can not escape the judgment of Christ. The last theme was widespread in the trial of medieval art. It was generally eschatological mood sometimes make imagine on this theme from the "Bible." Icon theology believers try to turn toward the idea of "the Gospel." So what is the final judgment of God?Jesus Christ himself said: "I tried to come up dead, who do not see, you can see, can see become blind"; added:. "If anyone hears my words do not keep them, I do not judge him I .. the people are not to judge the world, but to save the world rejects me, and receiveth not my words, do not judge him, whom I have spoken will judge him in the last day, "Jesus quoted favorite disciple John said: "The Trial in this; the light came on in the world, and the world but love darkness because their behavior is evil."Thus, by road and the light of God to judge anlw.i is terrible punishment but loving rescue. In the "powerful Savior" These icons come in, take the hands of Jesus Christ by the book open on the page, usually says "Matthew" in the sentence: "Where people are weary and burdened, can come to me, I will give you rest "as the apostle James said:." mercy than judgment "is sometimes written on this text to open the page:." I am the light of the world "," not according to appearance, but judge right and wrong, always righteous judgment. "
"There is the power of the Savior like" hide many different "Bible" theology memories and associations, making it the connotation of the richest and most profound type of icon painting.You can say it is a symbolic language written with paintings and theological writings. So the Russian Orthodox Church in the painting not only the core iconostasis, and is the center of the church.
"There is the power of the Savior like" hide many different "Bible" theology memories and associations, making it the connotation of the richest and most profound type of icon painting.You can say it is a symbolic language written with paintings and theological writings. So the Russian Orthodox Church in the painting not only the core iconostasis, and is the center of the church.
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the power of the Savior like - Jesus Christ |
Orthodox icons "Legend '
According to the Orthodox Church is an important icon doctrine is "Tradition", intended for the rumors, oral traditions, also known as "church tradition." Orthodox Church that "Holy Tradition 'and the Bible, just as God's revelation, the difference between the Bible only in the Bible is inspired by God who passed the church in the form of text record in the book. Orthodox Church confirmed the safety awareness of the beliefs and principles are not correct individual member, but by the whole Church saved by the Church as church tradition from generation to generation, which is the church of St. pass a variety of ways to keep the general form of his own doctrine.
Church tradition recognized the Savior's an icon in his lifetime when it already exists, this is like heaven Savior, Savior, like non-hand-made.
The legend of the origin of the non-hand-made icon of Christ, there are two versions, one popular in the West, the other in the East spread (in this case refers to the east of the Oriental Christian world of the East Roman Empire). The first legend is that there is a devout believer woman Veronica, she was out of compassion, the crucifixion of Christ on Calvary, when, with his scarf to wipe the face of Christ, so that Christ's face on the magicIt is printed on her headscarf. In the West and Russia after the 17th century, there is the portrait of female followers Veronica, her hand printed picture of the square of Christ.
The second story takes place in the legendary Oriental City Ai Desa, a local king Oriago had leprosy, the long-sought cure for the disease of people. He heard about the miracle of Christ can do it, he sent his servant to look for disease. He wants to give him a piece of white cloth used to draw, then put his face to the canvas. Then his face is automatically non-hand reclamation printed on canvas.
When the king's servants back to this magical cloth Aide Sa, King approaches the canvas, it's a terrible disease was cured. King Oriago put this canvas as the most precious relics preserved. Later, once the capital besieged by the enemy, seeing the fall of Oriago ordered the piece of the puzzle in the canvas walls in order not to fall into enemy hands and is not tainted. In fighting the most intense moments, this piece of heaven's portrait has appeared a miracle - the portrait seemed to penetrate the thick walls, printed on the wall. See this incredible magic phenomenon, scared the enemy to evacuate the wall, not on the offensive. Thus, Christ's miraculous save both face the king, but also save the city.
Church tradition recognized the Savior's an icon in his lifetime when it already exists, this is like heaven Savior, Savior, like non-hand-made.
The legend of the origin of the non-hand-made icon of Christ, there are two versions, one popular in the West, the other in the East spread (in this case refers to the east of the Oriental Christian world of the East Roman Empire). The first legend is that there is a devout believer woman Veronica, she was out of compassion, the crucifixion of Christ on Calvary, when, with his scarf to wipe the face of Christ, so that Christ's face on the magicIt is printed on her headscarf. In the West and Russia after the 17th century, there is the portrait of female followers Veronica, her hand printed picture of the square of Christ.
The second story takes place in the legendary Oriental City Ai Desa, a local king Oriago had leprosy, the long-sought cure for the disease of people. He heard about the miracle of Christ can do it, he sent his servant to look for disease. He wants to give him a piece of white cloth used to draw, then put his face to the canvas. Then his face is automatically non-hand reclamation printed on canvas.
When the king's servants back to this magical cloth Aide Sa, King approaches the canvas, it's a terrible disease was cured. King Oriago put this canvas as the most precious relics preserved. Later, once the capital besieged by the enemy, seeing the fall of Oriago ordered the piece of the puzzle in the canvas walls in order not to fall into enemy hands and is not tainted. In fighting the most intense moments, this piece of heaven's portrait has appeared a miracle - the portrait seemed to penetrate the thick walls, printed on the wall. See this incredible magic phenomenon, scared the enemy to evacuate the wall, not on the offensive. Thus, Christ's miraculous save both face the king, but also save the city.
Byzantine Orthodox icon
From the Orthodox point of view of the traditional, icon figurative prayer; but the point of view of art history, the Orthodox icon is inherent Orthodox faith and a combination of ancient Greek art form. This feature from the historical development of Byzantine art can be clearly seen.
In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was divided into east and west, the two parts are independent countries. East Rome came to be known as Byzantium. In certain historical period, the Eastern and Western Roman Empire experienced a different fate. Once wealthy and densely populated city in western Rome because barbarian invasion and looting put impoverished and depressed, within the ancient cultural heritage destroyed. Eastern Rome in this period is to escape the barbarian attack, life is relatively stable. When the Western Roman impoverished when Byzantium is full of them, a national has thousands of cities. Ancient Greek art tradition has become the foundation of the Byzantine culture.
In the 4-5 centuries throughout the Mediterranean region, both eastern and western, Italy or Greece, Christian art is a unified whole. But in the early sixth century, they began to form a special, Byzantine Christian art language and image, on the one hand it is the basis of ancient Greek art, on the other hand, has joined the spiritual tendency consistent with Christian thought. Byzantine artists to create a number of specialized tools and methods to give the sensibility of Greek art in the form of Christian spiritual connotation. This forms a Christian aesthetic: no longer external formal beauty of ancient Greek art as the ideal goal, but trying to perfect the performance figures of the spirit of prayer and intuitive to concentrate on God.The purpose of art as the expression of the characters and phenomena inherent meaning, rather than its external aesthetic features.
In the religious ideas, and holy it is more reliable than having a natural reality, it is the real divine, eternal existence, natural phenomena belong to changing perishable or fallen creature in the world. The Incarnation theology linked to religious art task is to take the visible image to reflect this divine reality. As a researcher of Byzantine Culture, he said: "Byzantine art and Byzantine theology, is from heaven and the secular opposition objects, heavenly things worldly things than the principle of departure."
Byzantine icons of art has been extended to mid-15th century. In 1453, the Byzantine Empire was destroyed by the Turks, icon painting to give to maintain and develop the island of Crete in Greece and Mount Athos and other places.
In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was divided into east and west, the two parts are independent countries. East Rome came to be known as Byzantium. In certain historical period, the Eastern and Western Roman Empire experienced a different fate. Once wealthy and densely populated city in western Rome because barbarian invasion and looting put impoverished and depressed, within the ancient cultural heritage destroyed. Eastern Rome in this period is to escape the barbarian attack, life is relatively stable. When the Western Roman impoverished when Byzantium is full of them, a national has thousands of cities. Ancient Greek art tradition has become the foundation of the Byzantine culture.
In the 4-5 centuries throughout the Mediterranean region, both eastern and western, Italy or Greece, Christian art is a unified whole. But in the early sixth century, they began to form a special, Byzantine Christian art language and image, on the one hand it is the basis of ancient Greek art, on the other hand, has joined the spiritual tendency consistent with Christian thought. Byzantine artists to create a number of specialized tools and methods to give the sensibility of Greek art in the form of Christian spiritual connotation. This forms a Christian aesthetic: no longer external formal beauty of ancient Greek art as the ideal goal, but trying to perfect the performance figures of the spirit of prayer and intuitive to concentrate on God.The purpose of art as the expression of the characters and phenomena inherent meaning, rather than its external aesthetic features.
In the religious ideas, and holy it is more reliable than having a natural reality, it is the real divine, eternal existence, natural phenomena belong to changing perishable or fallen creature in the world. The Incarnation theology linked to religious art task is to take the visible image to reflect this divine reality. As a researcher of Byzantine Culture, he said: "Byzantine art and Byzantine theology, is from heaven and the secular opposition objects, heavenly things worldly things than the principle of departure."
Byzantine icons of art has been extended to mid-15th century. In 1453, the Byzantine Empire was destroyed by the Turks, icon painting to give to maintain and develop the island of Crete in Greece and Mount Athos and other places.
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Virgin Mary of Jerusalem of plastic frame |
Holiday commemorating Jesus Christ - Pentecost
"Acts of the Apostles," recorded in the first 50 days after the resurrection of Christ and his disciples were gathered together is a sitting room, suddenly there came a sound came from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and filled the room they are; and there are tongues of fire came out, points fall on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, according to the Holy Spirit began to speak the words of other countries. This is what Jesus Christ commanded them to wait in advance; for it is, after this, they just go around evangelizing.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church attaches great importance to the status and role. Because Orthodox man's ultimate goal - salvation, forgiveness of sins do not see, but get "deification", and this purpose is not only dependent on the Father and the Son, and God the Trinity requires another bit cell exists, it is coming in the world after the Son, this is the Holy Spirit. People living in the world, which sanctified by the Holy Spirit is accomplished.According to Orthodox theologians view Scholastics Anselm reason why the rescue is only attributed to Christ's atonement achievements, we split a complete Christianity, precisely because it was the West has lost the true concept of Person of the Holy Spirit, so that The Holy Spirit began retreated to a secondary position,Son became assistant.
From the point of view the status of the Holy Spirit, if the Spirit from the Son, then Christ affiliation, large Western Spirit often considered not having a body, and is the relationship between the Father and the Son. But the Holy Spirit Orthodox believe the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit seems to be an equal relationship.
From the role of the Holy Spirit, the Orthodox from the "business" aspect to understand the Holy Spirit. Son and Holy Spirit each with its own mandate and mission, is the partnership between them, not affiliation;Son is through the Holy Spirit and the Incarnation. Christ by means of the Holy Spirit to complete his earthly career, he does not have the presence of the Holy Spirit. After the Ascension, Pentecost people children, continue to cause complete deification; the role of Christ and the Holy Spirit for different people. Under Christ to the world and human nature combined, the essence is common to man; the Holy Spirit is the personal face, personality of the Holy Spirit, a single deity perfect way to convey to everyone.
In terms of performance of the Holy Spirit, Orthodox theologians believe that the Holy Spirit is God's presence in our midst, the presence of the Holy Spirit is not to suppress the empirical world, but to save it, this in place all united in the same truth, but were given a variety of life skills, the Holy Spirit is the giver, it is always higher than all creation exists, it is the tradition of the Church and protector of inheritance, while his presence again so that people become truly free children of God.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church attaches great importance to the status and role. Because Orthodox man's ultimate goal - salvation, forgiveness of sins do not see, but get "deification", and this purpose is not only dependent on the Father and the Son, and God the Trinity requires another bit cell exists, it is coming in the world after the Son, this is the Holy Spirit. People living in the world, which sanctified by the Holy Spirit is accomplished.According to Orthodox theologians view Scholastics Anselm reason why the rescue is only attributed to Christ's atonement achievements, we split a complete Christianity, precisely because it was the West has lost the true concept of Person of the Holy Spirit, so that The Holy Spirit began retreated to a secondary position,Son became assistant.
From the point of view the status of the Holy Spirit, if the Spirit from the Son, then Christ affiliation, large Western Spirit often considered not having a body, and is the relationship between the Father and the Son. But the Holy Spirit Orthodox believe the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit seems to be an equal relationship.
From the role of the Holy Spirit, the Orthodox from the "business" aspect to understand the Holy Spirit. Son and Holy Spirit each with its own mandate and mission, is the partnership between them, not affiliation;Son is through the Holy Spirit and the Incarnation. Christ by means of the Holy Spirit to complete his earthly career, he does not have the presence of the Holy Spirit. After the Ascension, Pentecost people children, continue to cause complete deification; the role of Christ and the Holy Spirit for different people. Under Christ to the world and human nature combined, the essence is common to man; the Holy Spirit is the personal face, personality of the Holy Spirit, a single deity perfect way to convey to everyone.
In terms of performance of the Holy Spirit, Orthodox theologians believe that the Holy Spirit is God's presence in our midst, the presence of the Holy Spirit is not to suppress the empirical world, but to save it, this in place all united in the same truth, but were given a variety of life skills, the Holy Spirit is the giver, it is always higher than all creation exists, it is the tradition of the Church and protector of inheritance, while his presence again so that people become truly free children of God.
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Pentecost Apostles |
Meanwhile soul rest in peace and honor of the Virgin Mary of the Assumption holiday
Meanwhile soul rest in peace and honor of the Virgin of the Assumption holiday. Our Lady of the Assumption of the memorial from the 4th century, Western Christianity had in the region. AD 582 was officially designated as 15 August.
Fila Delfina monk priest in "hard asylum seekers," a book based on a variety of records godfather saints, the Virgin Mary tells the last days of the life of this world. "Chastity of the Virgin to his Son pray hard. One day, the archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin gal brought the Lord to the Virgin of fast news, said she was about to die. Archangel to the Virgin Solidago heaven date palm branch, a symbol of the Virgin ascend to heaven, heavenly grace branches shining light. this branch should be taken to Our Lady of spirit bed.I heard the message of Our Lady to die soon, all came to see the people cried and prayed the Our Lady of Mercy do not abandon them so that they become orphans. Our Lady said to them: "Do not cry, have to leave and joy for me and now I want to come before the throne of God, and I will see my God face to face and son, easier for all I prayed for him. the kind of grace. I will not abandon you that you may become orphans, not just you, but I will not abandon this world. I'll see you, protect you, help the less fortunate. "At 9:00 on August 15 to the Notre Dame should die in this moment. Many people lit candles, sang a hymn apostles. Our Lady of Good decoration lying in bed. Suddenly, the light of God's glory unpredictable illuminate the church, candle become dim. Walls magically split. Glory of the Lord from heaven. This is the glory of Christ, led by the king of all the heavenly angels and elves, as well as patriarchs and prophets saints soul, and together they own the Virgin being approached.
"Mary bowed to Christ and worshiped, and said: 'Blessed your fame, Lord my God, I implore you chose me, your gentle servant to serve your sacraments King of Glory, in thy eternal kingdom bless me in。You know, I love you and hold treasure was entrusted to me. Now, please accept my soul in this world, to protect me from the dark realm, let me from the devil's attacks. 'Lord comforted her not to be afraid that has been stepped on the foot of the power of the devil, and lovingly call her to leave the world to heaven. She happily replied: "My heart is ready, Lord, ah, I am willing 'and said the year when the Annunciation said that sentence:' reluctant according to your word to me 'so Notre Dame painlessly put their souls chastity handed the hands of the Son, the same as falling asleep. "
Orthodox honor of the Virgin of the Assumption of the festival is to teach the believer, death is not the elimination of human existence, but only from the world into heaven, is to get rid of damage and decay, to eternal life.
Fila Delfina monk priest in "hard asylum seekers," a book based on a variety of records godfather saints, the Virgin Mary tells the last days of the life of this world. "Chastity of the Virgin to his Son pray hard. One day, the archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin gal brought the Lord to the Virgin of fast news, said she was about to die. Archangel to the Virgin Solidago heaven date palm branch, a symbol of the Virgin ascend to heaven, heavenly grace branches shining light. this branch should be taken to Our Lady of spirit bed.I heard the message of Our Lady to die soon, all came to see the people cried and prayed the Our Lady of Mercy do not abandon them so that they become orphans. Our Lady said to them: "Do not cry, have to leave and joy for me and now I want to come before the throne of God, and I will see my God face to face and son, easier for all I prayed for him. the kind of grace. I will not abandon you that you may become orphans, not just you, but I will not abandon this world. I'll see you, protect you, help the less fortunate. "At 9:00 on August 15 to the Notre Dame should die in this moment. Many people lit candles, sang a hymn apostles. Our Lady of Good decoration lying in bed. Suddenly, the light of God's glory unpredictable illuminate the church, candle become dim. Walls magically split. Glory of the Lord from heaven. This is the glory of Christ, led by the king of all the heavenly angels and elves, as well as patriarchs and prophets saints soul, and together they own the Virgin being approached.
"Mary bowed to Christ and worshiped, and said: 'Blessed your fame, Lord my God, I implore you chose me, your gentle servant to serve your sacraments King of Glory, in thy eternal kingdom bless me in。You know, I love you and hold treasure was entrusted to me. Now, please accept my soul in this world, to protect me from the dark realm, let me from the devil's attacks. 'Lord comforted her not to be afraid that has been stepped on the foot of the power of the devil, and lovingly call her to leave the world to heaven. She happily replied: "My heart is ready, Lord, ah, I am willing 'and said the year when the Annunciation said that sentence:' reluctant according to your word to me 'so Notre Dame painlessly put their souls chastity handed the hands of the Son, the same as falling asleep. "
Orthodox honor of the Virgin of the Assumption of the festival is to teach the believer, death is not the elimination of human existence, but only from the world into heaven, is to get rid of damage and decay, to eternal life.
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The Virgin Mary of the Assumption |
Holiday commemorating Jesus Christ - the cross section, or give glory Holy Cross Day
According to Orthodox tradition, the origins of this festival and the Roman Emperor Constantine I's mother related. Constantine I's mother Yelena in the past 80 years birthday, complained that the suffering of Christ the Savior and other holy places have been forgotten. So after I's son Constantius permission to travel came to Palestine in 324 AD, he visited Jerusalem, where to find the Lord crucified. Jerusalem Patriarch Macari boarded Heights, Elena found the cross raised for everyone to see.
With this cross in after localities have built the church in honor of it. There is a church that Elena find themselves in her place of primary Passion Cross foundation, established. After several years of the project, completed in AD 335 years, give glory as Holy Cross Day. Later in the Byzantine Empire and the Persians in the war, the Persians in 614 years of the fall of the Byzantine Palestine, sacked Jerusalem, also stole Jesus crucified. 14 years later, Lee defeated the Persian emperor Iraq, recaptured the Holy Cross. Personally put it back into the church. At this time, held a grand prayer ceremony, the ceremony, the Patriarch once again raised the cross to the people.
The moral significance of this festival are: The Passion of the Christ Memorial Cross, the Lord was crucified to save all of the cross, is to remind Christians must have the spirit of self-sacrifice, the sacrifice has lust flesh. Because, according to Christ's own words, who wants to follow me, he must sacrifice himself and take up his cross.
With this cross in after localities have built the church in honor of it. There is a church that Elena find themselves in her place of primary Passion Cross foundation, established. After several years of the project, completed in AD 335 years, give glory as Holy Cross Day. Later in the Byzantine Empire and the Persians in the war, the Persians in 614 years of the fall of the Byzantine Palestine, sacked Jerusalem, also stole Jesus crucified. 14 years later, Lee defeated the Persian emperor Iraq, recaptured the Holy Cross. Personally put it back into the church. At this time, held a grand prayer ceremony, the ceremony, the Patriarch once again raised the cross to the people.
The moral significance of this festival are: The Passion of the Christ Memorial Cross, the Lord was crucified to save all of the cross, is to remind Christians must have the spirit of self-sacrifice, the sacrifice has lust flesh. Because, according to Christ's own words, who wants to follow me, he must sacrifice himself and take up his cross.
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Byzantine icons of the Macedonian dynasty
After the destruction of the movement from the mid-10th century icons to arts and culture, commonly referred to as "Macedonian Renaissance", which is characterized by ancient Greek art standards of honor. St. verse of this period rarely preserved, one of which is kept in the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, "the apostles Thaddeus and King and saints." The painting by the painting on different drawing board composed of four paintings, set in a frame in common. A left at the top of the apostle Thaddeus, the following one is the two-dimensional monks of Saint Paul and Anthony fee, the top right is the king Ao Jiali, is from a person who took a picture of "natural Savior as> a square, following one two saints; large leaf Fu Liemu St. Basil and Syrians.
In the 10th century under the bucket of Byzantine art, although still maintained a love for the ancient Greek style, it has clearly emerged a new trend: the first of the artistic image creation spirituality. For example, an icon of the period, kept in the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, "by Christ blessed apostle Philip." Portrait of Philip lanky body, slender legs, feet as if standing in the air, but the toes slightly touching the edges of the frame, the whole body seems weightless world of, like can fly. Portrait character oval face, small jaw, unusually large eyes, revealing light on clothes. The background is entirely gold, which is a symbol of God's light, this golden light of the figures completely enveloped them。All this makes the Apostle Philip seemed completely out of the worldly life, but in being transformed into the ideal space.
Date to the first half of the 11th century, Byzantine art has formed a new norm, a new idea, although the traditional style of ancient Greek art still exists, but compared to this new norm has become less important. Many paintings and mosaics of this period, although there are differences in personality caused painter also,But they have similar content and style characteristics - seriousness and abstinence sex, away from worldly life. Portrait of character height breath on the mind, tranquility facial expressions, the body is in static, exaggerated eye, escapist eyes, they expressed a pair of generally beyond the world. Characters appear and spiritual doctrine of this art ascetic tendencies and the religious life is linked to the atmosphere, that have some kind of social influence, such as San Simeon the New Theologian, he actively advocated mystical spiritual life, announced that individuals can communicate directly with God.
St. Nicholas's image is typical of the bishop dressed in costume, brown priest vestments with gold cross on a white shawl, his left hand holding a binding gorgeous "Gospel" right hand on his chest to point this Bible, these indicate the founder of the Church and the Church of St. Nicholas of San division of identity.
In the 10th century under the bucket of Byzantine art, although still maintained a love for the ancient Greek style, it has clearly emerged a new trend: the first of the artistic image creation spirituality. For example, an icon of the period, kept in the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, "by Christ blessed apostle Philip." Portrait of Philip lanky body, slender legs, feet as if standing in the air, but the toes slightly touching the edges of the frame, the whole body seems weightless world of, like can fly. Portrait character oval face, small jaw, unusually large eyes, revealing light on clothes. The background is entirely gold, which is a symbol of God's light, this golden light of the figures completely enveloped them。All this makes the Apostle Philip seemed completely out of the worldly life, but in being transformed into the ideal space.
Date to the first half of the 11th century, Byzantine art has formed a new norm, a new idea, although the traditional style of ancient Greek art still exists, but compared to this new norm has become less important. Many paintings and mosaics of this period, although there are differences in personality caused painter also,But they have similar content and style characteristics - seriousness and abstinence sex, away from worldly life. Portrait of character height breath on the mind, tranquility facial expressions, the body is in static, exaggerated eye, escapist eyes, they expressed a pair of generally beyond the world. Characters appear and spiritual doctrine of this art ascetic tendencies and the religious life is linked to the atmosphere, that have some kind of social influence, such as San Simeon the New Theologian, he actively advocated mystical spiritual life, announced that individuals can communicate directly with God.
St. Nicholas's image is typical of the bishop dressed in costume, brown priest vestments with gold cross on a white shawl, his left hand holding a binding gorgeous "Gospel" right hand on his chest to point this Bible, these indicate the founder of the Church and the Church of St. Nicholas of San division of identity.
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Greek Religious silvericon art of Saint Nicholas |
6th century to the 11th century Byzantine icon - the oldest Byzantine icon
According to church tradition, the oldest icon before AD 313 by Emperor Constantine established Christianity as the state religion, at the time of the Christian persecution had already appeared, but these icons have not saved. Before the 5th century early Christian frescoes and mosaics are not icons in the strict sense.
The oldest preserved statue belongs in the 6th century, most Saint Catherine monastery in Sinai. This does not mean that they are in this writing, these icons are often from urban centers with large painter brought convent. Three sites which have a higher icon painting techniques, from the point of view of painting styles and characteristics should belong to the artist's creation of Constantinople, including the Virgin with Saints West "Christ Almighty," "The Apostle Peter" and "on the throne Otto and George. "These portraits are personalized character face, lively eyes, a natural beard, picture linoleum style, rich colors, these characteristics are typical of Greek art Constantinople painters usually have.
Early icons contents most important is "the Christ Almighty," Christ left with a "gospel", the right shape for the blessing.Christ is such a portrait in the 6th century have been formed in all the Orthodox Byzantine art and played a key role. This image has become a basic one type Orthodox icon of Christ. Although the portrait still preserved many ancient Greece Portrait of ingredients, like a portrait of real people, but already has a statue of the property, which is to pray that the divine nature should have: people look focused, quiet, serene no worldly emotions show. Judging from the painting, smeared painting style on the screen is very clear, having the icon of smooth and precise, light color evenly distributed in the entire picture.
The oldest preserved statue belongs in the 6th century, most Saint Catherine monastery in Sinai. This does not mean that they are in this writing, these icons are often from urban centers with large painter brought convent. Three sites which have a higher icon painting techniques, from the point of view of painting styles and characteristics should belong to the artist's creation of Constantinople, including the Virgin with Saints West "Christ Almighty," "The Apostle Peter" and "on the throne Otto and George. "These portraits are personalized character face, lively eyes, a natural beard, picture linoleum style, rich colors, these characteristics are typical of Greek art Constantinople painters usually have.
Early icons contents most important is "the Christ Almighty," Christ left with a "gospel", the right shape for the blessing.Christ is such a portrait in the 6th century have been formed in all the Orthodox Byzantine art and played a key role. This image has become a basic one type Orthodox icon of Christ. Although the portrait still preserved many ancient Greece Portrait of ingredients, like a portrait of real people, but already has a statue of the property, which is to pray that the divine nature should have: people look focused, quiet, serene no worldly emotions show. Judging from the painting, smeared painting style on the screen is very clear, having the icon of smooth and precise, light color evenly distributed in the entire picture.
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Madonna and Saints Theodore and George on the throne |
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