Person of the dispute was not about Christ as the 681 and cease Ecumenical Council, but in the eighth, ninth century expanded in different forms. At this time the focus on the icon of worship, including observance of controversy Christ, the Virgin and other saints of the image caused by the church or private home. Iconoclast depicting God or any religious art human image was very disgusted to require removal of these icons; on the contrary, those who worship the icon strongly guard the status icons in church life. Point of conflict the two parties not only the church art of cognitive differences, but also a deeper problem: the humanity of Christ, the church's views on the matter, and the real meaning of salvation.
Against the icon of worshipers may be affected by Judaism and Islam; It is worth noting that, on the outbreak of iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire, the first movement of the previous three years, Islam Ye Jide successor (Caliph Yezid) ordered all territory under its icon a rate of removal. However, not only from the outside against the worship icons influence the Church has been on the existence of "Protestant" view, that would appear to be the idol of all the icons. So iconoclasm when emperors, the Church will have many supporters.
Iconoclasm campaign Leo the Great's reign can be divided into two periods. The first period began in 1780 under Leo III called iconoclasm, until Huang Hou Yilei (Irene) presidency to stop the persecution. Seventh, and last Ecumenical Council (787) upholds the icon worship, supported the position of the first Council of Nicea, the meeting declared: As the cross and the Gospel, and other real symbol icon, should be in the Church Save veneration. The second period began in 815, Leo V, iconoclasm, until 843 years emperor (Theodora) fully restored icon of worship, from fully accredited status icons, called "Orthodoxy victory ", while Orthodox first Sunday of Lent (also known as the" triumph Sunday is the letter ") to commemorate this event. The primary supporter of the first period for the icon of St. John of Damascus (St John of Damascus, 675-749), the second period was the bishop of San Di Tudor (St Theodore, 759-826). St. John's because they live in Muslim areas, away from the control of the Byzantine Empire, to be freer to develop their ideal; after Islam also cover the development of several unexpected protect Orthodox.
One of the major characteristics of Orthodox icons lies in a unique position. Within today's Orthodox Church is full of a lot of icons, including separate church sanctuary and nave icon screen, icon above everywhere, every corner of the church there are icons on the altar, and wall murals icons or mosaic. Laymen will bow down and kiss the icons and light candles in front of icons, the Fathers will burn incense to worship before the icon, the icon will be exalted in the other traveling team. These postures and moves in the end mean? What icons represent? Why St. John, who will be very important icon?
We first clarify objections to the proposed icon worshipers "Idol said," followed by the positive value of icons as described doctrine taught, and finally add the importance of its doctrinal.
(1) Idol question: kiss or bow icons do not represent idolatry. Icons are not idols, but a symbol; the veneration of icons of material objects are not made, but the depicted individuals. This is in opposition to the dispute before the icon that is the repair Presley, Andy (Leontius of Neapolis, died about 650 years) to clarify: "We do not worship wood, but the crucified Christ ... When two pieces of wood on the cross when combined together, I'll sacrifice of the cross represents Christ worship the image, if two separate wood, I will put aside it, burn "as icon is only a symbol of Orthodox believers are not to be worshiped, but to be veneration.; St. John's had to be detailed for the entity to distinguish symbolic veneration and worship of God.
(2) Icons as part of the teachings of the faith: the icon is one of the church to teach religion tool, Li Andi had said: "As open book icon, let us think of God." Those who lack knowledge or no time to study theology just go to church, they will learn from the wall presented the Christian faith. Support icon said that if the Gentiles want you to let him see your letter, and took him to the icon in front of the church now. Thus, form part of the sacred tradition of icons.
(3) the doctrine icon : Here we come to the main argument against icon worshipers - even if not idols, even with their teaching value, icons or even necessary? Support icon contend, icons can guard the doctrine of the incarnation. And against those who agree icons eternal qualities of God can not be manifested - "No one has ever seen God" (John / if a 18), but supports those who believe the Incarnation icon produces figurative school of religious art, God Because changes to people's styles, so be portrayed. St. John's to show that the image can show tangible entity has the body of God:
"Before God no definite shape, so completely unable to describe. But because God became flesh, and dwelt among men, so I can create the image of God to be seen. I do not worship matter but I worship the creation substances who - it came into the world because of me, humbled the body, so that I can be saved and therefore I will not stop worshiping the form that I saved. ".
Against the icon of worshipers because of not fully take into account the significance of the Word made flesh, and refute these represent God's image. They are like many Protestants, fall into the so-called dualism, that the matter would bring tarnished believe spiritual things must be non-material, and therefore rejects any substantial form. However, this violates the spirit of the Incarnation, because of ignoring the humanity of Christ and the body, forget our flesh is like the soul needs to be redeemed and updated. Therefore, early debate against icon worship Christ Person on issues closely linked; this is not only a debate on religious art, but about the incarnation, and salvation issues and on the entire visible universe.
Because God is visible and the body, so that the material can be saved. St. John says: "The Word became flesh so that the flesh holiness"; God sanctified matter, a "spiritual product", if the Holy Spirit became flesh medium, the wood and watercolors can also. Orthodox icons and their doctrine in fact believe in God material and spiritual creatures could potentially have been redeemed, glorified beliefs are closely related. Zenuo Wu (Nicolas Zernov, 1898-I980) The following talk about the icons of the content on the Russians, it is appropriate to all Orthodox Christians:
[Religious Icons] for the Russian people, not only painting, but the person's spiritual power through beauty and art to redeem the dynamic behavior of creatures. Colors and lines [icon] on not to mimic nature; artists who mainly want to show human beings, animals and plants, and the whole universe from the current degraded state to be saved over, restored to its rightful "image." [Icon] is subject to the glory of creation is redeemed from the fall to ensure that ... it is not only the perfect artistic reflection trance country, but also the material back to its original beauty and harmony of concrete examples, can be used as an intermediary for the Holy Spirit. Icon is part of the transformation process of the universe.
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