"There is the power of the Savior," that with the power and glory of the
image of Jesus Christ comes again, with the "Last Judgment" is directly related to the theme, because Christ is "judge the living and the dead", his trial was fair , who can not escape the judgment of Christ. The last theme was widespread in the trial of medieval art. It was generally eschatological mood sometimes make imagine on this theme from the "Bible."
Icon theology believers try to turn toward the idea of "the Gospel." So what is the final judgment of God?Jesus Christ himself said: "I tried to come up dead, who do not see, you can see, can see become blind"; added:. "If anyone hears my words do not keep them, I do not judge him I .. the people are not to judge the world, but to save the world rejects me, and receiveth not my words, do not judge him, whom I have spoken will judge him in the last day, "Jesus quoted favorite disciple John said: "The Trial in this; the light came on in the world, and the world but love darkness because their behavior is evil."Thus, by road and the light of God to judge anlw.i is terrible punishment but loving rescue. In the "powerful Savior" These icons come in, take the hands of Jesus Christ by the book open on the page, usually says "Matthew" in the sentence: "Where people are weary and burdened, can come to me, I will give you rest "as the apostle James said:." mercy than judgment "is sometimes written on this text to open the page:." I am the light of the world "," not according to appearance, but judge right and wrong, always righteous judgment. "
"There is the power of the Savior like" hide many different "Bible" theology memories and associations, making it the connotation of the richest and most profound type of icon painting.You can say it is a symbolic language written with paintings and theological writings. So the
Russian Orthodox Church in the painting not only the core iconostasis, and is the center of the church.